sâmbătă, 25 aprilie 2020

Sun in my eyes - Heaven's Window

Whenever you see a Hexagon or Star of David,
squint your eyes and perceive this as a shadow of the 3-dim Cube:
the Cube Of Sapce, that defines the rich geometries of Space or the Vacuum.
When Gautama Buddha reached a state of enlightenment,
it is quoted that he actually named the indivisible particle as “Acta Kalapos”:
Acta means 8 and Kalapos means Atom
referring to the 8-cornered Cube.
Ultimately, Buddha is teaching that we are this Cubic Consciousness
that we are embedded or Russian-dolled in this Sacred Geometry,
that our goal is to remember that every cell of our physical bodies
is a Platonic Solid Symmetry.
Jain 108
Image: Danny Wilten
Follow us on Instagram: @jain108academy

" A human being is a part of the whole called by us " Universe ", a limited part in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting ourselves to our personal desires and affection for some people closest to us.
Our task must be to free us from this prison, by expanding our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and all nature in its beauty."
ㅤㅤ~ Albert Einstein

" A human being is a part of the whole called by us " Universe ", a limited part in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting ourselves to our personal desires and affection for some people closest to us.
Our task must be to free us from this prison, by expanding our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and all nature in its beauty."
ㅤㅤ~ Albert Einstein


“Nature is the source of all true knowledge."
~ Leonardo da Vinci
The form of the tree in relation to universal forces.
Image: Living Energies by Callum Coats .. (Viktor Shauberger's Work with Natural Energy Explained)

" Natura este sursa tuturor cunoașterii adevărate."
~ Leonardo da Vinci

 Forma copacului în raport cu forțele universale.
Imagine: Energii vii de Callum Coats.. (Lucrarea lui Viktor Shauberger cu energie naturală explicată)

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