sâmbătă, 17 octombrie 2020

Misterul piramidelor: Egiptul turistic şi Egiptul esoteric

EDIŢIE SPECIALĂ în direct la Canal 33 cu Alexandru Răducanu şi Ehab Said, antreprenor, fondator Lucky Sirius Tours Descoperă Şcoala Luminii: https://schooloflight.ro/ „Învățământ spiritual ce are la bază cursurile lui Alexandru Răducanu și, în sens larg, comunitatea tuturor celor ce pornesc în călătoria lor interioară avându-l pe acesta ca ghid spiritual“


duminică, 11 octombrie 2020

Lack and Love, Transitions and the Point of No Return


Phi Crystals - Mind Computers - Dr M Vogel, J Tyberonn, J Auken, B Durward , Edgar Cayce


Soul in the structure of a human being. From the book "AllatRa"


"Reptile Humanoide" din Peru - PhD.Dmitry Galetsky


Dr. Dmitry Galetsky is a researcher of mummies of unknown origin found in Peru, candidate of medical sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery at First Medical Institute in St. Petersburg.

Dr.Galetsky is a member of the group on the Genetic Analysis of Mummy Tissue Samples Found in Peru. He was invited to study the structure of strange creatures, and he conducted a comprehensive analysis of the medical images of mysterious mummies provided to him.

Today we will discuss: The details of the study of mummies The structure of their body and differences from the structure of a human Why are mummies called "Humanoid Reptiles"?

How can this research contribute to the development of our society? If you want to participate in the next broadcast, send an email request to info@allatraunites.com

Contact with aliens: myth or reality? Do alien races exist? Trailer. Kaleidoscope of Facts


#ALLATRATV #alien #paranormal

Marele TOTH Atlantul - Istoria Secreta a lui TOTH Atlantul